
We offer various courses and other services to families in the area.


We offer our Take 3, CYGNET and STEPS courses for parents.

Family Support

Our Family Support Service is regarded as one of the most valuable resources available to schools and families in the area. It is there to provide help for families in the area who, for whatever reason, encounter problems and challenges in the day to day process of raising and supporting a family.

We recognise that almost every family faces practical, financial, emotional and behavioural challenges at some point, and almost every child will show some behavioural issues at some time or another. Most of the time, this is just part and parcel of growing up and raising a family, and parents and carers find solutions to cope with these. However, every now and again some families may need a bit more support and assistance. This could be from any number of causes; bullying at school, changes in health or employment status of a family member, coping with loss of a loved one, dealing with divorce/separation or many other reasons.

This is where the Family Support Service comes in. Our team of experienced and professional support workers work closely with families and make sure we tailor support to meet a family's needs. This may be through just our service or, with consent from the family, by working with other agencies or services. We provide individual parenting advice to help parents to support their own children in difficult times. We also offer a counselling service for children who need help and support of their own to deal with troubling issues.

This help can be requested by parents, or sometimes suggested by schools who might see behaviour or non-attendance at school which is not always obvious to parents. However it is initiated, this support is always delivered on an agreed basis with parents and is fully confidential and is absolutely free. We have already worked with many families and we are committed to helping children and young people in the area.

Therapeutic Support

Counselling provides young people and their families a private space and time to talk about what is going on for them or about anything that is worrying them. A counsellor is someone who will listen to you; they will not judge you or tell you what to do. Young people bring a very wide range of issues to counselling; including relationships, bereavement and loss, anxiety, low mood, stress and identity.

The counselling approach is tailored to the individual; but may incorporate play and creative based therapy, psychoeducation or CBT. The aim of counselling is to provide a safe space in which the individual can explore what is going on for them. This may improve self-awareness and empower the individual with the tools and resilience to better manage their difficulties. The advantage of counsellors being embedded within the cluster of schools is that recommendations and follow up can be provided both with the school and to families which might include further support for the young person and / or family after counselling has ended.

The therapeutic service offers all young people in Aireborough an opportunity to access counselling at a time and place that is convenient for them. Most likely this is during the school day in their own school, but flexibility can be offered to include after school and off-site appointments.

We offer short-term therapeutic interventions with young people between the ages of 5 and 18, usually up to 8 weekly sesssions, though again some flexibility can be offered.